What is Glaucoma?


When the eye’s optic nerve is damaged, it can lead to impaired vision or blindness. This is called glaucoma. This eye problem can easily be detected during an eye examination. Diabetes patients are usually more prone to glaucoma. Because this eye problem may also be hereditary, some people already have this but don’t get diagnosed until later in life.

Glaucoma treatment can include medications and surgery. However, treatment will not totally remove glaucoma but prevent it from getting worst. Glaucoma can’t be cured but you can do something to prevent it from causing serious vision problem.


knowing Glaucoma its sign and symptoms and how to prevent it

What Is A Refractive Error?

One of the common eye problems that most adults experience is refractive error. This eye problem affects children sometimes too. What is refractive error? It happens when the light that enters your eyes does not bend correctly. This results to a blurred vision of the image.

Refractive error is a treatable condition. An eye optometrist will be able to help correct this eye problem through eyeglasses, contact lenses, and sometimes, in rare cases, surgery. Ottawa eye optometrist, Dr. Zahiri, discusses refractive error in this infographic.


Symptoms, causes, and treatment of Refractive Error